Legitimate Salvage

At the end of June 2021, my brother texted me the following pictures. He said he was getting one. Almost five years ago, Josh lost Koda. Koda was the Big Brown Dog to Olive the Little Black Dog. Josh finally decided the time was right for another dog. This time…

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Social Engineering

So it seems that the mighty and all powerful The Googles has my two domains flagged for social engineering. I have no idea how that happens – did someone report it – or did they find suspicious code somewhere? Quite awhile back, my site’s index.html did get hacked, but that…

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Unicorns and Espresso and Apps – Oh My!

On Monday, we celebrated K’s birthday. This is our first “event” during this pandemic. And I know it really bothered K that we weren’t able to do anything BIG or go anywhere. I’m not sure how I would have felt if it was my birthday. Part of me wouldn’t care…

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It comes as a slight shock, but it’s now May, and it’s been a month since I last updated this site. Today is also Mother’s Day – and yes, I did call my mom like a good soon. May continues to hit hard here at home. Just this week, K…

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The New Normal

The other day, we had to walk to Walgreens to pick up a digital picture we printed, so of course I had to wear my fancy COVID attire. The hat and sunglasses are because it’s sunny, but the mask was was for the store. I was a little afraid that…

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The Longest March

It’s a bit cliche today to say that March felt like the longest month. Ever. But it’s true. I still find it hard to believe that the month started out with me flying to Seattle for a Sounders match, and ended with me losing Olive. This was the last picture…

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Olive the Little Black Dog

I first met you on August 20th, 2007. You were one day old. And I never imagined just how much you would mean to me. I got to watch you grow up, until the day you would come home with me. That day was October 13, 2007. And we were…

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Everything is Canceled

It’s still really difficult to fathom how fast everything has changed over the last two weeks. What’s even more difficult to fathom is how slowly everything has changed over the last two weeks. I don’t even know what to – or how to – compare everything to that is going…

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I Love My Job

Last week, I ran into on the VPs at my credit union (she’s not my boss per se, but let’s be honest, she’s in charge) while at lunch, and she tells me “So, I heard you like soccer.” Fast forward to the next week, and she comes up to my…

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