On Thursday, we took Olive into the vet for a check-up. In all honesty, it’s probably a bit overdue for a visit, so now was as good a time as any. Plus there were a few things that we wanted to get checked out.

Either her age or the cold – probably a little bit of both – we’ve noticed that her right hip/leg seems to give her a bit of trouble sometimes. She doesn’t limp though, but instead, starts to hop around a bit. Plus we’ve begun to notice some pee spots on her bed and pillow (yes, Olive has pillows because she’s a lady) that definitely aren’t from the cats. And lastly, she’s got this ugly growth in her butt area that we needed to get checked out.

Keeping in mind, for being nearly twelve and a half years old, she’s had relatively few health issues. A couple of staph infections on her belly area, and two of the large molars removed, and that’s pretty much it.

We chose a vet that was close to where we lived – not the vet that’s the closest though. When that vet opened, they had a grand opening visitation day – come by and check out the office; meet the staff; win prizes. When I visited, the office staff ignored me – they were more concerned with the conversation that they were having about a co-worker who had lost a lot of weight. So we went somewhere else. On-line, the reviews were very favorable.

Dr. Patrick Kalenzi was great. He talked to us very openly about all of our concerns we had with Olive, told us all the things to watch for since we have a senior dog, and was very open and honest about procedures and costs. It was all so very transparent and honest.

For having a senior dog of Olive’s age, she’s the picture perfect example of health. Every test was normal and nothing was cause for alarm. The peeing issues we were having, while normal, are treatable with hormone therapy. And the growth on her butt, not cancerous, just keep an eye on it.

K wants to call it Uni; I want to call it Korn.

As a reward for Olive’s patience (she got three pokes!) we bought her her very own unicorn toy. I think she’s more excited on the inside about the toy than she is on the outside.

Today was officially my 46th day in a row of running. I managed a 5.25 mile run in 61 one minutes. My second longest run of the year actually. And for the first time in a very long time, it wasn’t non-stop. I took a short 90-second walking break right around 4.33 miles.

With today’s run, my 2020 numbers are still looking pretty good. I’m still on track to reach my 1,000 mile goal for the year. I’m not certain if I’ll be able to keep up the pace that I’ve already set these first six and a half weeks, but I’ll do my best.

  • Week Total: 26.80 miles
  • February Total: 51.82 miles
  • 2020 Total: 160.49 miles
  • Average Run: 3.49 miles
  • Longest Run: 5.32 miles (1/27)
  • Shortest Run: 1.32 miles (1/11)

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