
Last week was our Hiking Club’s scheduled hike, but due to some issues, I wasn’t able to make it. But I was able to get a hike in this morning.

With K.

Recently, K has mentioned that she’d like to go hiking with me one day, so we talked about it a few times, and made plans to go hiking today since we were both off.

A week or so ago, we even went to REI to get her some nice new hiking boots and socks. Don’t worry, I got something too – a very portable water filter.

The original plan was to go to Devil’s Backbone (where our Hiking Club has already gone to) because I knew it was a fairly easy hike with some cool things to see, but once we got there, we discovered that the entire trail was closed because of mud, and they were trying to protect the area, so no hiking.

Checking AllTrails, I found another hike that was rated easy and was close by – Coyote Ridge Trail.

For the most part, the trail was relatively flat and non-rocky – some mud but it was frozen. There was a stretch that was covered in ice and snow but we were both prepared with our traction devices, so it didn’t slow us down.

The best part for K were all of the prairie dogs that we saw on the trail.

I kind of regret telling her about them before we started (I was reading the reviews,) because it would have been quite the surprise to see them, especially since they were so close to the trail.

It was really nice to go hiking with K, especially since she’s been dealing with some very personal issues at work, and she’s really been wanting to go hiking with me. Since she should get a weekend off every month, I’m hoping we can continue to do some more of these hikes.

Afterwords, we spent some time (and money) in Longmont – no, we aren’t LoCo (crazy about Longmont, Colorado.)

Running – February 2020

Whew. February is over with, and I have still managed to keep up with my 2020 fitness goals:

  • Reach 10,000 steps a day
  • Run a mile every day
  • Run 1,000 miles for the year

Even though I did a hike this morning, I still had to get my daily run done. Since the weather was nice out, I even ran outside.

And so, with the final run of February, here’s where I stand for the month and year:

  • February Total: 99.20 miles
    • Average February Run: 3.42 miles
  • January Total: 108.67 miles
    • Average January Run: 3.51 miles
  • 2020 Total: 207.87 miles
    • Average 2020 Run: 3.46 miles
  • Longest Run: 5.32 miles (1/27)
  • Shortest Run: 1.32 miles (1/11)

I’m a little disappointed that I didn’t reach 100 miles this month, but February is a shorter month (even with the Leap Day factored in.) Plus my average run dipped down a little bit. But I’m still on pace to not only reach my 1,000 mile goal, but exceed it.

Tomorrow – a new month, and a new minimum speed on the treadmill. Faster, stronger, older? #OBSB

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